Mark Kraus
Mark Kraus
Internally we have begun using a module builder that is heavily inspired by this project and tweaked a bit for our environment. One piece of feedback I received was that...
**As a** ModuleBuilder _user_ **In order to** ensure expectations **I need** shared tests that validate inputs and outputs --- We should create common test cases - Test all exported functions...
Code coverage report: Covered 83.72 % of 43 analyzed Commands in ```Import-GraphOauthAccessToken``` Missed commands: Line | Command ------------ | ------------- 73 | ``` $ImportFiles = $LiteralPath ``` 87 | ```...
Code coverage report: Covered 0 % of 38 analyzed Commands in ```Update-GraphOauthAccessToken``` Missed commands: Line | Command ------------ | ------------- 72 | ``` [system.uri]::IsWellFormedUriString( ... ``` 86 | ``` $AccessToken...
Code coverage report: Covered 0 % of 21 analyzed Commands in ```Remove-AADAppRoleAssignment``` Missed commands: Line | Command ------------ | ------------- 70 | ``` $AppRoleAssignment ``` 71 | ``` if (-not...
Code coverage report: Covered 0 % of 66 analyzed Commands in ```Invoke-GraphRequest``` Missed commands: Line | Command ------------ | ------------- 134 | ``` Write-Verbose "Performing token refresh" ``` 135 |...
Code coverage report: Covered 64.71 % of 17 analyzed Commands in ```Import-GraphApplication``` Missed commands: Line | Command ------------ | ------------- 75 | ``` $ImportFiles = $LiteralPath ``` 76 | ```...
Code coverage report: Covered 0 % of 33 analyzed Commands in ```Add-AADAppRoleAssignment``` Missed commands: Line | Command ------------ | ------------- 78 | ``` $ServicePrincipal ``` 79 | ``` $User ```...
Code coverage report: Covered 0 % of 53 analyzed Commands in ```Get-GraphOauthAuthorizationCode``` Missed commands: Line | Command ------------ | ------------- 64 | ``` if (-not $pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($Application.ClientID)) { ... ``` 67...
Code coverage report: Covered 0 % of 23 analyzed Commands in ```Get-AADUserByUserPrincipalName``` Missed commands: Line | Command ------------ | ------------- 76 | ``` $UserPrincipalName ``` 77 | ``` if (-not...