Nevermind, went a different route for Flutter and created a parser/generator specifically designed for targetting Flutter (
This will solve a lot of performance issues:
This is still an issue in 2023. When making a new project with all the latest versions. ```groovy implementation 'com.jakewharton.threetenabp:threetenabp:1.3.1' implementation '' implementation '' implementation '' ``` Im getting this...
Thanks for answering, and confirming that the problem is a real one. Hopefully we can get a proper solution so we can implement both libraries in 1 app. Or atleast...
Is it the case that the `*` are bundled in the Calling SDK? And that the calling SDK is not relying on the trouter package itself? If I print the...
@joakimunge Still working on this? I have a project with a working LineCurve3 and TubeGeometry implementation. So if you want I can move that over to the project.
Sorry for keeping you waiting. I'll take a look at this this week!
Question about this PR. Why not just change the key in the json in the first place. ```json { "movie": { "id": 123 } } ``` Will generate a Movie...