Mark Casey
Mark Casey
I'd propose that the way this should work is to add an option called something like multi_method or multi_source. If a user were to specify multiple options (ldap, authfile, etc.)...
Source precedence is probably possible too, but I was planning on token IDs from all sources going into the same pool. edit: on second thought, precedence may not ever be...
I also see this working as you have described. To me, the key benefit is that I do not have to hard-code a large number of tokens into the local...
Suddenly I remember reading that symbol lookup error can be caused by mixing thread/non-thread components, and also people complaining about forgetting to use -Dusethreads. So I should add that I...
That seems to get perlbrew running normally again. However, it seems like I'll have the same problem if I ever try to run something through perlbrew's perl that uses Time:HiRes,...