Marius Seufzer

Results 29 comments of Marius Seufzer

@ka-ramba can you still reproduce this? I'm currently investigating this issue, but couldn't reproduce it so far.

I had the exact same issues. The `Query.include` really helped me a lot. Thanks @pzmudzinski for pointing that out! ...Interesting: If the key is representing an Asset value, everything works...

I can confirm `ar_is_anchor_detection_enabled = true` still causes the app to crash on my iPhone 11 Pro. Compiled with Godot 3.5 stable/ Xcode 13.4.1. Is there any workaround? I enabled...

> `HTTPClientProvider.createNew` > `HTTPClient` will be created by `AWSClient`. When `shutdown` is called, created `HTTPClient` will be shut down as well.

Okay I'll definitely try to investigate! However I have no clue about SwiftNIO/ AsyncHTTPClient so I'll probably forward this bug in a few days. Thanks anyways!

Hmm I couldn't reproduce this behaviour with a plain async-http-client. Trying to fire a request after calling `HTTPClient.shutdown()` throws `HTTPClientError.alreadyShutdown`. Here is the (async-http-client) code: ``` import AsyncHTTPClient @main struct...

In Soto however calling `S3.signURL(url:httpMethod:expires:)` after `AWSClient.shutdown()` does not throw an error. (where `S3` uses an `AWSClient` created with `HTTPClientProvider.createNew`). See the sample project [above](

Ohhh that makes sense. But still, shouldn't `AWSClient` complain if we try to access it after calling `shutdown`, even if it's just `signURL`? What do you think?

I'll look into this early next week! Sorry for the late reply, this project is **not** abandoned!