Mario Xerxes Castelán Castro
Mario Xerxes Castelán Castro
Hello. The feature requested is to add a command-line flag to Holmake to print timing information (and optionally, the number of primitive inferences performed) for each “relevant” theorem proved. I...
IEEE 754-2019 includes 3 new recommended operations to speed-up multi-word arithmetic and reproducible summations (e.g.: linear algebra libraries): augmentedAddition, augmentedSubtraction and augmentedMultiplication. The later can be multiplied with FMA. The...
[string "../Wyrmsun-3.5.1/scripts/stratagus.lua"]:50: attempt to index a nil value (global 'table')
With Wyrmgus 3.5.1 and Wyrmsun 3.5.1, from the directory where Wyrmgus was built, it refuses to run the game, failing with this error message: ``` [mario@irina wyrmgus]$ ./stratagus -d ../Wyrmsun-3.5.1...
CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS is set to “/usr/include/SDL2” because otherwise it complains that the header “SDL_video.h” can not be found. Package “SDL2_devel” and “SDL-devel” are installed. The following is the contents...
The current scheme of area+node can be kept. In addition, map yards mapped as areas. The idea is that mappers will only have to add a separate node for the...
For consistency, either render `railway=yard` or do not render `railway=station` where `railway:traffic_mode=freight`.
`railway=station` is rendered even when it is a freight station (`railway:traffic_mode=freight`). It makes sense to render yards too. Freight trains collect freight from industries (i.e.: stations) into a nearby yards,...