@AkdM Actually it is intended to forward all contents on screen - esp. video feed including but not limited to HDMI.
> @mariotaku So it will forward all contents on screen through the network, or will it also be able to transfer the infos to the USB port of the TV?...
This has come true thanks to @TBSniller . Of course it requires root and experimental, but worth trying.
Please tell me more about the issue: * What kind of remote are you using? Is it Magic Remote or classic one? * Which remote button are you referring to?
Hi, according to recent reports, some older 4K TVs aren't capable of 4K streaming. Maybe this is the case.
Hi. While I may not add auto wake, I will improve Wake on LAN feature. How long does it take for your PC to completely awake, after you send the...
I see. I'll test on real world cases, and adjust the timeout of retry button.
@Paulchen-Panther I tried to send 60 captured video frames per second, to the server. Also found this might be happened only when preview is on.
@tpmodding No, it's **108p**, 192x108@60fps.
@Paulchen-Panther what about to preview (with video on) in the browser? This is indeed very strange.