Mario Meyrelles
Mario Meyrelles
Hello all, I proposed this integration because I have been working on a serverless and event-driven architecture on Azure. On my proof-of-concepts, CosmosDB is used as our event store. And...
@markjbrown Good morning, Let me try to answer: 1) I understand that currently we can`t change how Change Feed operates. I was suggesting to consider only inserts because I thought...
Good morning again, I trully undestand your side and it makes sense. The "magic" of reactivity we already can achieve using the combination of **Cosmos -> Functions -> Event Grid...
Hello @markjbrown I am available on Twitter (@mariomeyrelles), LinkedIn and e-mail. Please feel free to contact me. I was away for some time and now I am back to work....
@p-bojkowski I have the code ready, but I still need to write part 3 (working with Events) and part 4 (process managers using Durable Functions). I need to find the...
We are in September and the issue still persists. Very irritating.
I tested right now and I'm just receiving `values` and `value`. The `props` and `name` parameters remain `undefined`.
To be very honest, I'm in the same situation. When the servers closes the connection and shortly opens it again, the client is not able connect again. I tried to...
Hello @tamizhvendan I think the correct approach to use the new version of HttpFs is like this: ```fsharp type ApiHttpResponse = | Ok of body : string | Error of...
I am seeing this issue when I try to retrieve "09:00" from Cosmos. Can this change be merged soon? The solution seems to reasonable.