Mario Bittencourt
Mario Bittencourt
Hi @x-cubed any idea if I should be using a different way to achieve this?
Hi, I wonder if you have any news on this topic. I wish I could help with the implementation but it is not the case at the moment. I make...
Hi @michaelwittwer and @simonmumenthaler , if possible provide a feedback so I can understand if I should wait or move and try to look for alternatives, what would be sad...
Hi @simonmumenthaler thank you for the reply. I will try to use locally. If looks fine as it does the job. I left a comment in your branch when having...
> @mariobittencourt you can use the published prerelease version `@5.7.0-pr278.1` to test this approach Hi, @simonmumenthaler it worked for me with both public and private constructors. Thank you. @jthomerson I...
@simonmumenthaler one question. I wonder how did you get the modelConstructor? I have a situation where I will have some properties that are polimorphic (example, I have a collection of...