Mariano Luna
Mariano Luna
From the look of it here is the issue; "Error report HTTP Status 401 - Bad credentials" A 401 code is an unauthorized code, so for some reason the credentials...
Nothing special should be necessary on the JRS side to enable the REST API authentication, with a JasperServer out of the box install. Check if you made any chances to...
@dalenoe if you have setup LDAP authentication check that you are using the same filter chain for the UI that the one you are using for REST calls, i think...
@ErrafayM Hi, this thread is pretty old, authentication in Jasperserver has changed since then. Check the new docs and you may find better help by asking in the community...
Let me check on this. It looks like a bug in in the REST API. Can @thureos and @cezario post the version of JRS that you are using?
Hey awesome that you have found a fix for this, I have been swamped so I was not able to touch this project in quite some time. Anyway I have...
Not sure what it can be.. To help me out - which version of JasperServer are you using? - where is this error appearing? - Anything in the PHP log...
What version of Jasper Server are you using? From the error log in JBoss it looks like you clicked in the All Accounts report, but in your comment you say...
Any error?