Have you solved this? It just does not work within Jax !
Guys, can you comment on slack what are the plans for removing the setup_anndata. I have not heard about them and even if I want to help, I am not...
Hello tt (not sure your name), is there anything that you would like to know? MultiVI works for protein information. Cheers, Mariano
Hi Tomo, protein information has to enter as in TotalVI, in the .obsm field of the anndata. Can you give it a try and let me know? M
Hi Tomo, sorry for the delay. We are running the last edits on the manuscript and I will work on the tutorial soon. I will based it on your notebook...
Tomo, I will work on this and I should cite you as a reference in the tutorial for helping with this. We should connect outside this thread to make the...
One problem is that the data structure returned by straw between version 0.06 and 0.08 is quite different.