Mariano G. Di Modugno
Mariano G. Di Modugno
When a new Role is created in the ref-arch to access AWS accounts, for example, a Developer role, the commands given in this document do not generate the records for...
When a new Role is created in the ref-arch to access AWS accounts, for example, a Developer role, the commands given in this document do not generate the records for...
## Describe the Feature Add an extra layer of automation for attack defense and mitigation by combining the AWS WAF service with different components that allow dynamic update of different...
## Enable AWSManagedRulesATPRuleSet for AWS WAFv2 via Terraform Add related rules and example Terraform code to provision/enable AWSManagedRulesATPRuleSet for AWS WAFv2. This functionality allows us to protect from brute force...
## Describe the Bug When you try to configure the AWS credentials by specifying the path to a .csv file containing Access Key and Secret Access Key (downloaded from the...