Edward Marczak
Edward Marczak
Yeah, I’ve looked at this a little bit, and want to check with some people at Apple, but I don’t think this is feasible any longer. The security protections are...
This should have been fixed in: https://github.com/marczak/johnnynash/issues/1 Are you building it yourself? (If there's a download available, I will remove it, as I don't think it has this newer version.)...
Got it - thanks! On Tue, Jul 11, 2023, at 11:56, Russell Hancox wrote: > > > We're discussing this. I don't think we have need for SecTaskGetCodeSignStatus as ES...
You’re looking for SetRecoveryLock: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/devicemanagement/set_recovery_lock_command?language=objc On Wed, Jan 3, 2024, at 04:46, actualdisaster wrote: > > > Unfortunately, the firmware password was removed on Applie Silicon Macs. Any admin user...
Addendum: I don't recall where this switch appeared, so, this could break the processor on much older OS Versions (10.11-era and earlier).
Ah, sure. --expand-full will also expand a package's payload. Here's an example from distribution-style package: with --expand: ``` % ls -la total 43096 drwx------ 6 marg staff 192 Oct 6...