Mark Givens
Mark Givens
I can confirm this across several development builds of ZC2.50 (as far back as Build 1125), the 2.50.2 builds, and the 2.50.3rc builds on Fedora 27 x86_64. `htop` shows that...
Minimizing, hiding, or switching away from the ZC window's current workspace immediately causes audio to stabilize and play at a normal speed with no crackling at all. `htop` shows that...
I've had the chance to run a 32-bit chroot and test the results. It's the same story. Audio crackles and stutters until you hide the window or change to a...
Also worth noting is that this definitely still happens with pure ALSA. Haven't tried OSS, but I don't see much point anyway at this point. It almost certainly seems to...
Setting `vsync = 1` under [zeldadx] fixes this issue entirely for me. Interestingly enough, this works even if not using a vsync-enabled compositor, or any compositor at all. @kadogo, check...
@EionRobb I notice a similar issue with contacts. If I message a contact from my list, I receive the duplicate the message from a second contact, not in my contact...