Marcus Teixeira

Results 17 comments of Marcus Teixeira

@okushchenko, @kelseyhightower

note: I even looked at the issue #4713 , but it doesn't seem to be the same context. I applied the changes that were reported, but but were not effective....

> Not being able to flush chunks can definitely lead to memory issues and hitting limits. > > Is there any more context around those failure logs? Could you check...

@slim-bean, @kavirajk Here are more details of what I've been investigating about loki ingester. I changed concurrent_flush to 4 (default value is 16), but I didn't notice any real improvement...

For better troubleshooting experience in this case, I am attaching the pprof file with the flamegraph example. OOM Issue flamegraph: []() ![OOM-Issue-flamegraph]( PS: Issue debug template

@slim-bean FYI > I think we need to figure out what context is getting canceled, i'm not sure there is much you can do to find this other than maybe...

@rsteneteg Thanks for the flush_op_timeout parameter hints. In my environment I had already noticed this detail and it is currently set at 10m. Still, the problem remains :/ When I...

> We use snappy everywhere, gzip compresses more than snappy but is much more cpu expensive at query time so we use snappy for the improved performance. > > how...

@kavirajk Could you put this change in In order to have the tracking of which release this fix was/will be implemented.