I'm not sure if this is specifically a dunst issue or for any notification system, but my chat notifications never timeout. The urgency seems to be set to normal which...
I have a mongodb document with a referenced document: /** * Class User * * @MongoDB\Document */ class User { /** * @MongoDB\Field(type="string") */ protected $email; /** * @var Contact...
This is referencing #39 and #7 I had a similar problem inheriting a codebase that used this library. A requirement was for the text to be multiline and centered. Multiline...
I'm trying to debounce a number field but with the on change event it just doesn't work. You can get round this by using on mouseup, keyup, but then when...
FPDI 2.4 allows importing of urls, currently they get stripped.
Improve callbacks by allowing multiple per item and allowing access to validation array within the callback.