Marcus Møller
Marcus Møller
Glad to hear that you've found the project useful! I haven't played around much with creating executables, but have you checked the tool that I included? I've added a bit...
I've changed the tiles and items - next up is characters.
Everything is now from the Liberated Pixel Cup. Would still be nice with custom GFX.
cx_freeze was rather simple to get going. It requires certain modifications however: - Fonts _must_ be defined. They can't be referred to as 'None'. - Don't use SysFont - this...
It might be worth looking into py2exe and py2app, which Frets on Fire seems to be using:
A fix is to add ensure_ascii=False to ALL json.dumps(), but that would just be horrible.
@NightBlues I would be very interested in seeing your pull request, so please do make one if you're up for it. Encoding sounds like a great idea, and it reminded...
Yeah, I am having some trouble with the warp tool. I will look into it (and hopefully fix it) later today.
The warp tool is pretty much fixed now (accepts input from the input fields), but I will need consider how I am going to alert the user if the fields...
I have definitely considered using Tiled, but it would require quite some work due to how Mirage Source (and now PyORPG) stores map data. Currently, PyORPG maps are stored as...