Current behavior: Instances of derived classes of `AbstractContextRuleHanadler` only load their rule data when the application is initially started. Desired behavior: These class instances should optionally be triggered to update...
Current behavior: to allow for late evaluation of Babel strings both the string formats and the parameters are stored for the Jinja templates. Desired behavior: use of SpeakLater (see
Current behavior: The state of a bootstrap accordion element can only be derived from the existence if the detail list. The hyperlink to change states is linked to text. Desired...
The contents of the "x-success" and "x-error" parameters to an x-url-scheme call could be derrived from the same class that the initial x-url-scheme call is handled by. So, in way...
The file contains several classes and is simply too large.
Currently, the Working Copy WebDav server is only woken up once right before the start of the GUI. Instead, gitsynchista has to monitor the timeout and wake it up whenever...