Marcus Orchard
Marcus Orchard
To piggyback on this enhancement I need to support sloppy expressions, so ideally I need to support "Value", "value", "VALUE", etc. as mapping to the `Value` field. ``` type Env...
Yeah, I think the user story I'm trying to satisfy is something like "client on machine A gets its power cord unplugged and then client on machine B takes over...
I initially felt the same way about the relying on the diagnostic info, but looking at "OPC 10000-4 Section 6.6.3" it seems like this is how subscription transfer was envisioned:...
Completely agree, matching to NodeIds and AttributeIds does not seem covered, sadly. It would be nice if `GetMonitoredItems` returned more information. Looking at the `OpcUaSubscription` defintion it seems the contents...
Your system and mine seem to be similar. The challenge of what you discuss is the mapping of the structure to the backup nodes. I think maybe there is an...
So, `ReadValueId` are required in the `MonitoredItemCreateRequest`, so it's reasonable to assume the configuration can provide these at transfer as they were provided when the subscription was initially created. That...
Just as an FYI I have begun the exercise of prototyping this out. If I hit any snags or if a significant amount of time passes I'll make sure to...
Oh crud. Ok, let me try to reauthor that.
Alright, looks like everything is happy now.
Ok, just so you have my approach for reference (leaving out obvious null and empty checks): 1. Verify diagnostics are enabled by querying the `EnabledFlag` on the `ServerDiagnostics` node. 2....