Marcus Drake
Marcus Drake
I'm interested in your use case. Can you explain where you need it? The way I handle this is that `docker login` runs once on every machine, in order to...
I like the idea of having a `dockerLogin` task and that it's up to every user to decide if and when to run it. Unfortunately it will change the `.dockercfg`...
I have started prototyping on integrating scala-docker into sbt-docker. So that sbt-docker does not have to call the `docker` binary but instead uses the `DockerClient` from scala-docker. When this is...
The use case for multiple credentials is that you might push images to different registry, or you might pull from one registry and push to another. You can build many...
As I see it `DockerRegistryCredentials` should be ``` scala case class DockerRegistryCredentials(url: String, email: String, password: String) ``` Then the email and password is coupled with the url to the...
Overall I like the changes, but I have a few comments. Regarding `baseDockerImage` I rather see that we add support for building any amount of images (in a single sbt...
I'm on vacation this and next week, will take a look at this when I get back. Den 3 jan 2015 19:47 skrev "Michael Armbrust" [email protected]: > Thanks for the...
Hi again, Sorry about the delay. Great changes in the last commit! There are few (minor) things left before I think it can be merged. I rather see that we...
Do you mean in some other way than what is supported now?
Multi-stage builds is an interesting feature, not sure how many would benefit from it. I'm not using it myself which makes it harder to build and maintain, but a PR...