Marcus Crane

Results 27 issues of Marcus Crane

It's possible to only have store-purchased highlights on your device, and not have the store-purchased button ticked which will generate a 400 error if you click the sync button given...


Something I noticed while doing some testing earlier today. It seems to fail to find covers for a couple of items and then exits with no obvious output. Presumably it's...


![CleanShot 2022-03-15 at 08 53 07@2x]( A basic one can be added to the pipeline without too much friction using `create-dmg` ```bash create-dmg --volname "October" --window-pos 200 120 --window-size 800...


### Discussed in Originally posted by **BrandonNoad** February 14, 2023 Hi. Is it possible to not update the `updated_at` value for highlights that have already been imported? I assume...

This will play a solid part in resolving but in general, we can get a lot of useful information (including proper cover art) by digging around in the underlying...


At the moment, everything is just fired off to Readwise. This is fine but as your Kobo highlights grow, the upload process will naturally become slower. I was thinking that...


The initial release of October was scoped quite small (on purpose) to be able to get something released. Ideally users should be able to pick and choose what highlights they...


October may appear to take ages to sync with local DBs if you have a few books in Readwise, despite it only uploading a handful of highlights. That's because it'll...


If a user selects the "Load a database" option and then cancels out of the file picker dialog, they'll still get loaded in as if they had selected a valid...


In order to not mess with the users Kobo, we should copy their `KoboReader.sqlite` file to a temp directory so that nothing corrupts if say; they pull their Kobo out...
