Marcus Crane

Results 16 comments of Marcus Crane

This seems kind of important! 😬 Thanks

I have also run into the same issue trying to uninstall Homebrew with macOS Ventura 13.0 running on a 2020 Macbook Air M1. I can't say I was familiar with...

I found a list from earlier this year (pre-Ventura) where someone had outputted the contents of `/usr/bin/` and compared to my own, it definitely seems that `install-info` is gone. This...

I've submitted a patch which takes the "worked around by having the uninstall script prompt the user to install install-info" approach just to get something in place rather than the...

Ah yes! This is something that has bugged me for a bit. It's true across Backstage plugins in general that a third party plugin may implement credential configuration differently than...

This is an issue I've run into recently where we currently have a bunch of entities centralised in a single repo but we fake the location through the use of...

I've got a minimum viable fix for this that I'll submit as a draft tomorrow 🙂