Marco Todisco
Marco Todisco
I've got the same issue on a Windows 10 PC. When a DLLNotFoundException is raised, it does not necessarily mean that it is not locating the `glfw3.dll` file, but it...
It works in single GPU scenario. It would be great to have someone with multiple GPU to test this PR and see if it works! Remaining TODOs: - should we...
I'm fully able to reproduce this issue. In my case, the example raises UCEERR_RENDERTHREADFAILURE error when the monitors are in duplicated mode and I close the lid of my laptop.
I'm currently digging into it. It seems a D3D9 related problem, as I'm able to reproduce the same issue in a separate project that does not have the GLWpfControl (it...
Update: I've managed to find the root cause. Basically when the lid is closed, for some reason the D3D9 context is not able to find the adapter related to the...