Marco Lettieri

Results 25 comments of Marco Lettieri

60s??? wow... the issue happens to us after a long time, randomly, but, if happens, usually after 2-3 days of continuous use. often after a few minutes / hours /...

So the only solution for you is a reinitialize every x seconds/minutes?

@JohnOH sure, but i repeat, the issue is quietly randomly, so difficult to reproduce. I've tryied to use your derived, unfortunately my RF module seems not initializing... tomorrow i'll try...

I've compiled your rfm12.cpp without # define RF69_COMPAT 1, my RF works but i don't know if my issue will reproduce again... Any idea why for my RFM12B ? Can...

I've forked jeelib and commit some little change i've done:

My issue happens using rf12.

@JohnOH I only supposed this... I can't reproduce the issue programmatically but it happens. I don't know if it could be connected to RF69 issue or not. Now I'm trying...

``` void setup() { cli(); wdt_enable(WDTO_8S); sei(); wdt_reset(); Serial.begin(SERIAL_BAUD); Serial.println("---> SETUP BEGIN"); rst.debounceTime = 10; rst.heldDownTime = DEFAULT_HOLD_BUTTON_TIME; rst.multiclickTime = 50; send_buffer.init(200); send_buffer.clear(); banList.init(32); banList.clear(); pinMode(LINK_LED, OUTPUT); pinMode(TX_RX_LED, OUTPUT); pinMode(IDENTIFY_LED,...

I've already done this debug in past. I've a TDM of about 200 ms so is probably that canSend is false sometimes but is not a problem. Like i told...

have you done the porting?