Marco Trindade
Marco Trindade
Ok. Now I think I've found the right topic to contribute. @gersh agree with your point of view. Maybe I'm missing some requirements of the technology that have been used...
Thanks @paulamlb ! Now it got clear to me. Would someone answer another question? In the case of a organization configured as "one person one vote one token" per issue,...
@milieuChris I think that the mechanisms developed in Sovereign are very nice to avoid coercion. For example, the possibility to change the vote if the delegee had a different vote...
Guys, Sorry if here is not the appropriate place to ask this. In section 2.5, before the 2.5.1, the figure explaining how smart contracts would work in Sovereign, Alice cast...
Thanks @domi41 for the answer... I'm really not specialist of this subject, and I might need to understand better the concept, but seems to me that joining these two features...
Hello everyone. I'm starting to review the portuguese translation and realized that there are a lot figures to be translated. Do the editable files available? If don't, I'll try to...
It worked! Thanks!
@SFSandra and @paulamlb I have finished most images' translation. How can I upload the files? Can I upload directly in the same directory where you've uploaded the english ones? Also,...
Hi @SFSandra ! Thanks... I've uploaded some other files today there in the Dropbox folder. Now it is missing just one last. @paulamlb only one file missing now.