Marco da Fonseca
Marco da Fonseca
I created a PR for this long ago #482 but so far it's gone ignored by the library owners
When will a version be released with this fix in it? It is causing problems in my client's platform as we render the image editor in a modal. So once...
Hi My client has given me permission to share with you the document that we are having problems with in the aforementioned second scenario. Here it is [CCF12052020.pdf](
> Should be fixed, please try out version `2.3.7`. Thanks for the report as well as for the initial investigation 👍 > Please let me know if it is fixed...
> Do you know which program crates those PDFs? I'm not sure, hey. To my knowledge the file was potentially scanned using a flatbed scanner of some kind. Thanks for...
I'm going to try my hand at putting together a fix that isn't too invasive
We have temporarily gotten around this problem by adding the following to our pubspec.yaml: ``` dio_http_cache: git: url: ref: feature/nullsafety-dio4 ``` This obviously isn't ideal. When will an official...
My clients are asking about this bug again. Any feedback?
My clients are asking about this bug again. Any feedback?
My clients are asking about this bug again. Any feedback?