These exceptions occur both in pypilot 0.24 and 0.34, against a Signal K Server version 1.44.0. Might be related to regarding navigation.courseOverGroundTrue being null/None: > Exception converting signalk->pypilot unsupported...
Openplotter 3, signalk 1.44.0, pypilot 0.34 compiled from source: ``` signalk see if token is ready {'state': 'COMPLETED', 'requestId': '356ba04f-2b3c-4efb-805d-305ed682f34b', 'accessRequest': {'permission': 'APPROVED', 'token': 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJkZXZpY2UiOiJweXBpbG90LTQzMzEzODM5NDcwIiwiaWF0IjoxNjYxMjUyNTk2LCJleHAiOjE2OTI4MTAxOTZ9.i_7hkYdt0c2XP0Y8xnGvqVeGiKEq4fpfHx-rSHN-lw8'}, 'statusCode': 200, 'href': '/signalk/v1/requests/356ba04f-2b3c-4efb-805d-305ed682f34b',...
The signalk synchronization, set up through the zeroconf facility, does not seem to take the track timestamp into consideration. When you switch **off** an active route in opencpn, the data...
I corrected a few Dutch translations. Some of them are really wrong, e.g. a servo is not 'engaged to be married'. Attached diff will convey the idea. [nl-LC_MESSAGES-messages.po.txt]( Btw the...
Otherwise on non-isolated public (wifi) networks, the signalk server might pick up other people's/boat's signalk clients. Ref.
The factor 65536 in Knaufs description of datagram 25 would cause the trip to make big jumps. It occurs to me that 4096 is probably the right factor.
I'd like to show timestamp information about the gpx position on mouseover, but I cannot find this in the event. Is it available? Thx!
Pypilot 0.52 freshly pulled from github on a raspberry: fail to start pypilot_web: ``` ImportError: cannot import name 'url_quote' from 'werkzeug.urls' (/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/werkzeug/ ```
Can't get it to start now, if throws `ImportError: cannot import name 'Markup' from 'flask' (/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/flask/` Pretty straight from github; see attached. [pypilot_web-import-error.txt](