Marco Ancona

Results 44 comments of Marco Ancona

ASAR archives are simply a concatenation of source files... it is easy to [extract]( any original plain text. Still, OAuth can be used also in [JavaScript-centric applications](

I am not sure, I am not an expert of OAuth nor of this library. What do you think it's not matching the guideline?

@aguynamedben, thanks for the detailed analysis. I wonder, however, how robust the loopback IP approach is, when there is a system or network firewall in place, as within the network...

We investigated further. It turns out that one event has an invalid character in the `Body` field. The Body looks like the following: ``` Hi all,
↵I need one more acceptance....

We are using `ews-javascript-api` 0.10.3 (the latest). Or what version are you referring to?

Just to clarify: the problem seems really to be caused by invalid XML data coming from the Outlook server. It appears that `xmldom` is more robust than the native `DOMParser`...

Thanks for the quick reply. This is true, and it works, but it seems that the requests are still going through Node. We would like to use the networking capabilities...

Thanks @gautamsi. I would like to better understand what is the fundamental difference between the two libraries though. If we were to write our own IXHRApi, both for Basic and...

Hi! It is still not clear to me how the result `conv_count` can be zero because both the input (`ghost`) and the kernel are made of ones. EDIT: I did...

It should be indeed. As a quick fix, you can try to add it to `SUPPORTED_ACTIVATIONS`