Marco Altomonte
Marco Altomonte
Triggering from the Arduino can be done by using private channels only. You should use this fork for this: There is an example for these private channels / client...
Hi. To support wifi you may have to modify the websocket class. A guy tried to modify the classes to support the wifi shield: he experienced disconnections after some time....
I am sorry but I do not have a wifi shield to try with. I think it is possible but it depends on the amount of free RAM on the...
I have the same problem. My main function is now: client = SinricPro(appKey, deviceIdArr, callbacks, enable_log=False,restore_states=True,secretKey=secretKey) client.handle_all(None)
In in function async def handle the first while True is a busy loop.
Fixed by adding: 1) from time import sleep 2) sleep(1) between "while True" and "while queue.qsize() > 0:" in handle function in