Marcin Serwin
Marcin Serwin
I haven't found it either.
So I guess it's just a matter of adding `\coloneq` and `\Coloneq` to the commands listed in the warning produced when `mathtools` is loaded.
In the current version (`0.8q` with TeXLive 2022) the spacing is only excessive with Latin Modern. ```latex \documentclass{article} \usepackage{unicode-math} \begin{document} \setmathfont{latinmodern-math.otf} \[F_j\qquad \symcal F_j\] \setmathfont{texgyrepagella-math.otf} \[F_j\qquad \symcal F_j\] \setmathfont{STIXTwoMath-Regular.otf} \[F_j\qquad...
The reason `\relax` does not work is that LaTeX interprets it as part of the table cell. Thus, the headerless table in `test/tables.native` is roughly interpreted as ``` | \relax...
This issue is caused by the fact that `keyof` does not include well known symbols (in this case `Symbol.iterator`). This problem has been already reported in issue #24622 and will...
@jpk3333 As a workaround you can also modify your code to look like this ```latex \rowcolors{2}{}{gray!25} \setlength{\tabcolsep}{0pt} % \apptocmd{\toprule}{\hiderowcolors}{}{} \makeatletter \NewCommandCopy\@oldtoprule\toprule \RenewExpandableDocumentCommand\toprule{d()m}{\@oldtoprule\hiderowcolors#2} \makeatother \apptocmd{\endhead}{\showrowcolors}{}{} \apptocmd{\endfirsthead}{\showrowcolors}{}{} ``` though it's a bit...