Marcelo Mira
Marcelo Mira
Is there a way to configure the package to opt out of sending the jsonapi spec version on each response? ``` "jsonapi": { "version":"1.0" } ``` Thanks
- Fixes #175
Hey man, awesome bundle :+1: . I was looking for a way to support Finite's guard mechanism, and I stumbled upon some Finite limitation when it comes to methods for...
At Ember 2.0.x, Ember-data 2.0.x: I'm using `selection=model.tags`, where model's tag is defined like `tags: DS.hasMany('tags', { async: true})` which asserts: `Uncaught Error: Assertion Failed: When ember-selectize is in multiple...
Hello! is there any chance to support ember 2.0? There's an issue on Ember.Binding.oneWay that doesn't work :/. Maybe just a cli problem? thanks!
Hello! is it possible to add a withCredentials option to xhr object? Great addon btw!
## Description - It basically enables migrations on given list of directus tables. - Adds a new argument `--allowedDirectusTables` which takes a string of comma separated table names (i.e. `directus_users,directus_files`)...
This pull request refactors the `start-app.js` test helper to remove the deprecated `@ember/polyfills` import and replace the merge function with the ES6 spread operator for merging objects. ### Changes Made:...