Marcelo Diop-Gonzalez

Results 5 comments of Marcelo Diop-Gonzalez

One thing that's hard to have noticed is that this actually won't play well with the current implementation of the "tx" RPC method. You would expect that if you're running... implements the speedup of network startup. after this PR, we can make things faster by changing the way we setup the images so that in `~/.near/setup/` there's a full...

@posvyatokum sorry it is a bit large. I tried to separate it into different commits to make it easier to review. It should all "just work" if everything is right,...

this looks like a cool proposal! I have had some annoying experiences with nonces in the past so would def welcome something like this. One thing I'm wondering about, is...

^ about my last message, I wasnt aware of this but it looks like there's a transaction field in bitcoin that makes reference to block timestamps: So I would...