Marcelino Almeida
Marcelino Almeida
@drjsmith did you create a PR to merge your branch to Intel's realsense-ros repository? I feel like this is the kind of thing that could benefit a big community, specially...
@drjsmith I created a branch/PR based on your implementation:
@drjsmith Thank you! I would hold a while on a follow up PR, as I'm not sure whether Intel still has any interests in merging PRs related to the T265......
@RealSenseCustomerSupport @RealSenseSupport Is there any chance that the PR will be merged, or will it linger due to the T265 not being supported?
Hi @vidaaudrey , thank you for your response! You can download a bag from the following link: The link above also has an `.rviz` config for you to visualize...
Thanks for the response! I have been using the workaround, it is not ideal but it has been working fine! Is there another open issue for the problem above? I...
Thanks! Now that I think of it, is there any good explanation for why `CUBE` renders correctly but `CUBE_LIST` doesn't? Based on the description above, either both should work or...
Thanks, @jhurliman! I just ran a dummy node that had one publisher and one subscriber to `std_msgs/Empty`, but webviz did not list it as an option for a data type......
Ooh, I have just realized that Foxglove is a fork of `webviz`! I'll take a look at it (and perhaps move our applications to Foxglove) when I get some time...
Hi, @Luxonis-Brandon! Are there any examples on how to run apriltags on the Oak cameras (I would be looking into the OAK-1, in specific)? As you mentioned, I could run...