Marcel Beyer

Results 9 issues of Marcel Beyer

When I try to connect to a serial port from Windows Subsystem for Linux, this is not possible. The code: ``` c, err := serial.Open(port, serial.WithBaudrate(9600), serial.WithParity(serial.NoParity),serial.WithDataBits(8),serial.WithStopBits(serial.OneStopBit), serial.WithReadTimeout(1000)) defer c.Close()...

Actually importing transactions is crashing if the MT940 sent by the bank is not correct. Depending on what was wrong in the MT940 you'll get another exception of the [mt940](

The Netbox API has no `/trace` endpoint for front-ports and rear-ports, but a `/paths` endpoint (see issue #434). This PR implements the `/paths` endpoint for pynetbox.

On front and rear ports the API provides `/path` and not `/trace` which is currently usable by the `.trace()` function on TracableRecords (which front and rear ports seem to be...

type: bug
status: needs owner

I translated jquery-cron for one of my projects to german. What do you think about translating jquery-cron? Should I add my translated `jquery-cron.js` to the repository (e.g. as `jquery-cron-de.js`)?

Running keepalived-exporter v1.2.0 on Alpine 3.16.2 doesn't return the keepalived_vrrp_state metric: ``` $ curl http://localhost:9165/metrics | grep keepalived | grep -v "#" keepalived_advertisements_interval_errors_total{iname="loadbalancer",intf="eth0",state="MASTER",vrid="100"} 0 keepalived_advertisements_received_total{iname="loadbalancer",intf="eth0",state="MASTER",vrid="100"} 3 keepalived_advertisements_sent_total{iname="loadbalancer",intf="eth0",state="MASTER",vrid="100"} 390 keepalived_authentication_failure_total{iname="loadbalancer",intf="eth0",state="MASTER",vrid="100"} 0...

Some members cancel their membership and leave their account with debts. Over the years those debts accumulated to a quite high amount of money which we theoretically could collect from...


If a user transferred money to us but did not provide a valid purpose for the transaction, the bank-account-activity is not matched automatically to the users account. Furthermore, not all...


When sending out a group mail, the placeholders (only tested for `{name}`) are not set correctly. All mails contain the same name.

:hammer: tests
:hammer: lib