Marcel Haag
Marcel Haag
Fields for scope properties like name and description are included in Wizard. **ToDo:** - Add scope properties to yaml content - Adjust BE (Configurationserver) to save the new scope properties...
Users are able to choose between different languages (English / German / ...). Adding the i18n library will make it easy to include this and add other languages in the...
We want to use the newer features from prime react. Currently we use version `4.2.1` and we want to migrate to the latest version `8.1.1`. Hints:
[Feature] - *Add cypress e2e to test the key business processes of the configuration server and UI*
The benefits from adding cypress / e2e tests in general are: * We can simulate the end-user behaviour * Verify use cases when breaking changes get integrated Helpful resources: *...
This will make the UI Service easier to maintain long term and simpler to read when starting as a new member. Helpful resources: *
Right now a lot of components are class components which makes it impossible to use the wide variety of react-hooks that would be available if these components were functional. Helpful...