Marc Thieme
Marc Thieme
When I do find in normal mode, then enter select mode and then repeat_last_motion, it doesn't select text further because the closure has saved the extend=false from when the motion...
My favored behavior would be to open the file picker either with all files with the name under cursor. Here, the user could type in the path that he needs....
Would it make sense tracking these two features in separate issues? It seems to me that implementing the EOL tracking behavior would be an obvious improvement, but the per-row column...
Also, what do you think about implementing analogous behavior when scrolling at the beginning of the line. For instance: ``` This is inden[t]ed This is not This is again ```...
As for the implementation, how would one go about implementing that? The last position is stored in the `old_visual_position` field of the range, right? Would it be sensible to store...