Matheus Araujo
Matheus Araujo
From @cruti comments and because I'm using python 3. The current solution is to uninstall pyDOE and install pyDOE2.
Are you respecting the minimum 8s between requests?
To be honest I don't know. I have not use the API for a long term, I would certify if they did not increased the time needed between requests.
Dear Rampazzo, This usually happens when an internal error occurs in Facebook system, they should always return a json output, even if the syntax is incorrect. *Matheus Araújo* M.Sc in...
Hi, I'm not working with PySocialWatcher at moment besides accepting pull requests. Thus, I'm wondering if someone could help me with the update given Facebook's constant API update. *Matheus Araújo*...
Let me know when you have PR ready. Thanks for helping manage the library.
It seems that the "Service temporarily unavailable" *Matheus Araújo* M.Sc in Computer Science at UFMG Pursuing Ph.D. at the University of Minnesota. On Wed, Oct 3, 2018 at 3:30 AM...
Unfortunately, this is unpredictable and depends on Facebook side. I would check manually on Facebook if the API is working. *Matheus Araújo* M.Sc. in Computer Science at UFMG Pursuing Ph.D....
Hi, I don't want to let you without any reply; I am honestly glad to know about your interest in using this tool. Unfortunately, Facebook has changed several parts of...