I can't get wiretap to work, it says "inspecting app" but will just hang forever.
Hi, thank you for writing this up! I've been following this in order to deploy to Heroku and found some issues when connecting to the database. These are the issues...
This is shipping a coffee script file, thus requiring the application to have coffee script included. That either shouldn't be the case, or coffee script should be listed as a...
I think it would be nice to see a different header image each time we access the site, don't you? As a donor I would like to see a different...
`formatRFC3339` outputs two digit year date-fns version is 3.6.0 ```js import { formatRFC3339 } from 'date-fns' console.log(formatRFC3339(new Date('0024-01-23'))); ``` Outputs ``` => "24-01-22T20:53:32-03:06" ``` Expected ``` => "0024-01-22T20:53:32-03:06" ``` Example:...