Same issue here. V1.0 Multiplexing tmc2100 and this s42b. So the input is THE SAME. Tmc2100 moves correctly, s42b does not. No matter the pins, no matter the 5 or...
yes there is a step/mm correction needed. we get that BTT, yet that's the issue; correcting step/mm is just... weird and wrong. all 1.8° degrees have 200 steps per rotation....
@GhostlyCrowd now that looks proper! Thanks. I'll watch that.
@NZ-Nitro so they got the stepper pitch wrong? This is easy fix in firmware right?
> > > Decided to check the settings with Pronterface after seeing the popup in Marlin saying "override with M92" well checked and for some strange reason the setting didnt...
@CAP1Sup is there a way for you to make factored steps? since you're rewriting firmware?... Theory: the s42b is recalculating steps that the mainboard gives it. X number of steps...
> > @CAP1Sup is there a way for you to make factored steps? since you're rewriting firmware?... > > > > Theory: the s42b is recalculating steps that the mainboard...
@CAP1Sup yeah, OLED does not matter at all. i will find you and buy you a beer. That's a promise. Thank you VERY much. Once i publish the build, you...
@adamfilip have you figured out what step timings are needed for this to work as expected?