Stace Maples
Stace Maples
Anyone have advice on this error when I run label-maker download? ``` Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/bin/label-maker", line 6, in from label_maker.main import cli File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/label_maker/", line 13,...
I've been experimenting with COGs from our Stanford Digital Repository, developing support materials for scholars who would like to begin depositing spatial imagery using the spec. I've a number of...
Just deleted my User Profiles and installed PR, and wanted to confirm, should SAGA & GRASS tools not be active? Or is there a way to manually config? SAGANG doesn't...
Some SAGA tools not working, including Raster Calculator, Simple Filter variants, etc... Mac Catalina: 10.15.7 QGIS version | 3.15.0-Master | QGIS code revision | 252976b739 -- | -- | --...
Here is map manifest, not behind Auth: ``` Manifest: | -- | -- info.json: | ``` Here is a manifest behind Auth: ``` Manifest: | --...
"As a researcher using drone acquired data at The Stanford Farm, I would like to deposit the data I create (orthophotography and digital elevation models), into the SDR, and make...
`As a user of scanned maps, I would like to know when a scanned map resource in Earthworks is available through iiif.` We are currently not displaying iiif branding associated...
`As a researcher using spatial data, I want to open the dataset I have found in Earthworks, directly in, so that I can begin using it. ` Or, perhaps,...
`As a researcher who primarily works with Python/R/Leaflet, I would like a code snippet that I can use in my Python Notebook/RScript/Leaflet Map to make immediate use of the data...
Now that EW previews have a SUL Embed, we should figure out a way to create awareness on landing pages for datasets. Since the SUL Embed won't replace previews in...