Stephan Esch
Stephan Esch
@reekoheek Did you find a solution to use `nyc` with `esbuild-runner`? Or any other setup to get the coverage with `esbuild`?
@19majkel94 Until this new feature arrives: how would I provide the type in the current version? From your initial comment I would assume, that TypeGraphQL can do this somehow magically...
> I've managed to engineer a few testing scenarios and I've reproduced the behavior that you're observing - we'll consider potential ways of addressing this problem and we will get...
It's already implemented in the upcoming version (not yet released)
Thanks for reporting. This will be fixed in an upcoming version. (@gismo141 the v2 branch has correct headers for the content type)
@gismo141 I'm already currently working on the update mechanism (also refactoring, live plugin-search). Will send a pull request shortly...
Hi! It's taking a bit longer than expected, but the major parts are done. I pushed the current state to so that you guys can get an impression where...
Jep. That's exactly what I had in mind and why the user should choose the plugin from the list of installed plugins. The UI would then provide an example config...
The systemd feature is currently not available in v2. Further I have a lot of refactoring which is not yet commited because it's not complete. I'll try to find some...
The upcoming version will have 'paging' and a 'tail -f'-like feature. Also a 'highlight this text' feature. Filtering by plugin is a good idea, which I will add to the...