@Lsdefine Thanks for your sharing, I use transformer to do seq2seq task. Like, input a article and predict the abstract. When I finish training, I get almost same output with...
你好,首先感谢分享代码! chinese_ocr/ctpn/prepare_training_data/ 第49-70行这种策略是否有问题? 比如对于一个平行四边形的label框,按照你的方法出来的xmin并不是xmin,并且你的方法分割出来的小框高度都是固定的,对于斜的平行四边形gt貌似不太友好? 是不是应该参照text-detection-ctpn/utils/prepare/ 中的shrink_poly这个方法来呢? 请指教~
@jwyang Hello, I trained fpn with resnext backbone on my own datasets and I get zero rcnn_box loss during the training, I wonder if there is something wrong ? meanwhile,...
Hello, Thx for your sharing. Do you have pretrained model?
I want to train model with lora, trainable params only include llm layers.*, I do not want to train "embed_tokens" and other layers 1)So I delete “embed_tokens” in modules_to_save list,...