Manuel Prinz
Manuel Prinz
I also am affected by that. Any hints on how I can debug it? It also seems to be a problem with the IntelliJ IDEA integration, as it runs fine...
No worries! I'll change the code as you propose. I just took what was available to get rid of the crude hack we use locally at the moment. ;-) This...
I ran into a similar issue. I breaks because it embeds a copy of Kotlin 1.2 that interferes with Kotlin versions used in projects downstream in interesting ways. Results vary...
I am not sure how to best address this in the documentation. It now needs to have a dependency on the Kotlin Standard Library, but I suspect all projects will...
Having a deeper look at the API, the following would properly be a better solution: ```gradle api("org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib") implementation("org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-reflect") implementation("") ``` The project currently only uses one Kotlin-specific class from the...
Hi Florian, it's been a while, I need to check again. I will get back to you as soon as I can.
I came across this plug-in a couple of days ago and had the same issue. I think it is possible to avoid it altogether, partially demonstrated in #19. I will...
(Disclaimer: This is my first comment/contribution to the project.) I've been trying to reproduce the issue (because of the "contributor friendly" tag) on my Debian system and VMs of the...
It seems like it is only a cross-compilation issue. Steps to reproduce (e.g. on amd64): 1. Create a new project with `zig init`. 2. Add `exe.linkSystemLibrary("X11");` to `build.zig`. 3. Run...
This works nicely, thanks for the fix! Any chance you could also release it to Ansible Galaxy? (I ran into the issue with the latest released version, only figuring out...