Emmanuelle Gourieux
Emmanuelle Gourieux
Hi everyone, I have the same issue. I followed the "bare metal" installation instructions (here https://mriqc.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install.html) and there is no mention of Freesurfer installation. Is it mandatory for MRIQC ?...
Hi, Let me know if I can add some information or help to close the issue Thank you,
Hi, Thanks for your quick answer ! Here is a quick comparison between old and new results (the red arrows indicate what looks odd to me):  For both version...
Sorry for not closing this issue sooner ! It seems that it was an issue with our data (several runs were merged before to used fmriprep)
Hi, This issue is quite old but, unless I missing something, it seems still relevant. In my lab, we are using fMRIPrep for Philips data, and currently we add the...