MAngband Project Team

Results 43 comments of MAngband Project Team

Comment by powerwyrm After looking at what I would do for my variant, it seems that the easiest is to fully change loading/saving to V system and to write a...

Comment by flambard I suspected 'world save' being the reason behind lag bursts for a long time, now that we finally have a confirmation (a benchmarked confirmation nonetheless!), we can...

Comment by jug Why not simply make the world save when the game is idle? Then it doesn't matter about short lag bursts. We could try to save every so...

Comment by flambard (In 5775d61f86be27fccd34b19fd3bae9f99c4e88b5) (All those changes had to do with awareness hack we implemented in #324, 7e2bfbe22acc12d55c5b76299b85f5e6b1027efe) In stores items are now identified before their info is shown....

Comment by flambard (In d154a89078c148495f5474b3584802f0e2032eb1) Addresses #329, implements a dirty hack which allows players to gain awareness of items identified by other players during inventory feeling phase.

Comment by powerwyrm The main problem with awareness is that, in MAngband, flavors are attached to a server instance and constant through all incarnations of all players. To know what...

Comment by powerwyrm The third way I mentioned in my previous comment doesn't work. An easy way to implement per-object knowledge/per-player awareness would rather be the following: - add a...

Comment by flambard I like your 'third way' the most, but why doesn't it work? It would be great to avoid a new flag and rely on object owner completely.

Comment by flambard (In a407867eafc650c62404e9d0146354bb84b8af0c) Addresses #329, reverts [1275] because it's dirty and wrong.

Comment by flambard (In 53f6c24c63d8bccb287b8c5af9d6343ccd3b1d13) Addresses #735, reverts [1277] as it's dirty and wrong. See #329.