Results 9 comments of zack

Hi! On the docs we can see that for `TableLastUpdated`: > you will need access to history that provides information on when the last data write happened on a given...

Hey, any progress on this? Anyone making a PR?

I would like to help assist in this task if possible. How do you see this integration being implemented? Is this item on the roadmap?

Hey, I'm super new to the codebase so I have a quick question: in the `HavenoDaemon.test.ts` file I don't see where exactly the CashAddr format would need to be supported......

I would like to know this as well. If not, any actively maintained alternative to this library?

@TimMcCauley will check it out, thanks!

Also, [this package]( is a good, python3 supported alternative

@alysivji I'd love to help out! I'll read more about your architecture and open up a PR once I make some head-way, thanks.