Mandeep Gill

Results 34 issues of Mandeep Gill

Any help on how to use this library with uploaded files? I have it working for where I set the service object to normal Django form fields like `forms.CharField` (where...

**Describe the bug** When using a dataframe with newer/nullable dtypes, such as the following, I am unable to generate any reports ```python In[83]: df4.dtypes Out[83]: str_col string int_col Int64 float_col...

bug 🐛

Currently an exception is only raised if debug is `True`, however the web app may be built as a container in CD, resulting in the process of generating the templates...

Hi there, Is there a conda/conda-forge package for `datacommons` and `datacommons-pandas`? If not happy to create one and add yourselves to the feedstock.

Replace `test_request.json` and allow for dynamic testing using user input.

help wanted
CLI toolkit

_From @mands on October 12, 2015 16:16_ Just a place to throw ideas for other service examples and samples we can use. I'm thinking, - separate and pimped out meme...

help wanted

_From @mands on October 12, 2015 16:11_ Use more of Barrister spec in IDLs _Copied from original issue: stackhut/Samples#6_


_From @mands on October 12, 2015 15:56_ Basic service to eval strings in nodejs, prob need a way to sandbox them @lanthias - what u think? _Copied from original issue:...

help wanted
in progress

_From @mands on October 12, 2015 15:24_ Add more features and sites - fix tyoutube - better format options - video & audio download options _Copied from original issue: stackhut/Samples#4_


_From @mands on October 12, 2015 15:24_ Wrap up bash as a service _Copied from original issue: stackhut/Samples#3_

in progress