Ryusei Yamaguchi

Results 8 comments of Ryusei Yamaguchi

Altough both #83 and #87 address the issue, I self-vote for #87. The root cause of the issue is that min-h-full and lg:top-20 are specified simultaneously, so the sidebar extends...

If expressions themselves are serializable, like [C#'s expression trees of lambda expressions](https://docs.microsoft.com/ja-jp/dotnet/csharp/programming-guide/concepts/expression-trees/#creating-expression-trees-from-lambda-expressions), the special quasi-quoting syntax `#e` might not be needed. Moreover, it might let `Program` be a monad: giving...

The Node.js File System API doesn't meet the SQLite "VFS" API because Node.js provides asynchronous functions but SQLite requires synchronous functions. (Node.js also provides synchronous version of these functions, but...

Oh, I haven't cared the fact that the SQLite API would be async too if Asyncify is enabled, and it is not so obvious that JavaScript code is able to...

``` CRITICAL root: Cannot find /home/nasa/emsdk/upstream/bin/lli, check the paths in /home/nasa/.emscripten ``` Is your emsdk set up?

I updated Makefile so that emcc in PATH is used now. Please run: ``` cd ~/emsdk/ ./emsdk install latest ./emsdk activate latest source emsdk_env.sh cd ~/sqlite-wasm/ git pull make debug...

This patch doesn't handle the return method of [the iterator protocol](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Iteration_protocols#the_iterator_protocol).

`defaultSerializeQueryArgs` seems to be for generating cache keys. Query parameters are serialized by [`paramsSerializer`](https://redux-toolkit.js.org/rtk-query/api/fetchBaseQuery#paramsserializer) of `fetchBaseQuery`: > A function that can be used to apply custom transformations to the data...