Ma'moun Diraneyya
Ma'moun Diraneyya
Any updates on this?
> 1, SPM doesn't allow for arbitrary code evaluation so you can't really check if someone has set up the git hook. Perhaps if you use CocoaPods you can use...
I had the exact same issue. Worked after creating a new branch with the name 'master'.
You can use the JS code mentioned here: It works as expected for me.
After a quick digging in the code, I can see that in line 408 in KINWebBrowserViewController.m you get the class of the bundle using `self`, which won't work when subclassing....
Commenting that line solves the same issue for me, too. Note that I've a non-translucent navigation bar, with automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets set to NO for the view controller. Maybe it's related?
+1. The cropping functionality is actually the worst part of the whole editor for me. It's very difficult to crop / move images at their edges as the editor does...