
Results 5 comments of Martin

I found a complete example including all mentioned topics (model, controler, view, js) that was posted shortly before this issue was opened:

In Rails 4.1. these are no longer deprecation warnings, but errors: > Tip.find_with_index('foo') > NoMethodError: undefined method `with_scope' for Tip (call 'Tip.connection' to establish a connection):Class

Hi dugal, could you possibly include the patch of recotan (, it obviously fixes the deprecation in a simple way.

Hey @p8 , I admit that commit 2e521bf is a different issue. I did'n mean to include it in this pull request. I moved the commit to a new branch...

sunspot needs another core schema than "gettingstarted". You find the "core" in ./solr/configsets/sunspot BUT: the current core only works with solr:6 There are patches that work with solr:7 in examples/solr7_core...