
Results 22 comments of malteneuss

Thanks, @hhefesto. Also if you struggle to get dante working with flycheck and Haskell `hlint`, as i did, you can add ```elisp (use-package dante :ensure t :after haskell-mode :commands 'dante-mode...

What should happen to NixOS Wiki now that all documentation efforts should move to ( Do we want to close it once everything relevant has been ported to have...

It would be nice to have a full flake example in the docs.

> I think you can avoid that if you (only once) manually edit the bookmark to point the the non-versioned url. That's what i'm currently doing. However as i said,...

Same here. Do you know why Nix is building the wrong GHC version? In your case it's building `8.8.4` instead of `8.10.4` (from your Stackage LTS version).

I use NixOS and tried the `flake.nix` file from quite similar to the default example in ```nix { description = "PKGNAME"; inputs.haskellNix.url = "github:input-output-hk/haskell.nix"; inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "haskellNix/nixpkgs-unstable"; inputs.flake-utils.url...

@alexbiehl Since this issue persists until today, i would like to add a hint to the docs as a "quickfix" until this issue is resolved. See #1444

Would it be possible to provide in a structured form the (keybindings in vscode LSP Protocoll functions), do the same in the haskell language server for (LSP Protocoll Descriptions, Status,...

Has anyone experience how other ORMs (maybe from other programming languages) deal with this issue? I would assume they derive the Entities from the Schema definition directly. Is the reason...

@takeda How would this `/etc/nix/nix.conf` look like? What settings would we need to supply? Or are you referring to hardcode a `/etc/nix/netrc` file like ``` machine DOMAINNAME login USERNAME...